Tuesday 20 September 2011

Stop Motion...

Before I get to the main work, here is a random digital stop motion I did out of pure boredom:
Note: Click on the image to see the animation :)

And here is the stop motion I had to do over the summer, it's based on a scene from 'The Cut'. Though it is not full size due to its actual size being to big for me to upload it:

Q - How did you use technologies to create your product?
A - I used a digital camera fixed on a tripod in order to frame the scene and take the shots. Then, using fireworks software, I imported each image to individual frames, then exported the file as a gif. After that I simply uploaded the images to my blog.
Q - How did this task enable you to be creative?
A - I was able to follow up on the narrative of the scene already, though made minor differences, instead of a side on view as the character raises his hands, I decided to have a point of view shot.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Quick Research Pt: 1

Due to my stop motion still under construction, I'll upload that at a later date, for now however, my chosen course of action lies within creating a music video & the ancillaries surrounding it. Firstly, in order to explore the mise en scene, camera positioning and framing alongside the narrative, I need to research music videos following the same style as the music I wish to capture for the video.

The cinematography of Johnny Cash's video conveys his emotions, as does the music, the sepia tone connotes his 'hurt' emotion, as if the colours to his life have run.

For Soil's music video, the emotions of the singer are clearly exploited through his actions. The addition of the slow motion pans and zooms of the camera help to emphasise the atmosphere and mood of the song.

The song I'll be using for my music video is a completely original song which follows a mildly similar story to both Soil and Johnny Cash. More research and planning up soon.